RBFD Responds to Spring St. Apartment Fire - 12/13/2023

At approximately 10:29am the Red Bank Fire Department was called to a confirmed structure fire in the Greentree Apartments at 239 Spring Street. Unit 94 stretched a handline and upon arrival, Unit 91 made entry to search the downstairs unit. The fire was quickly extinguished with no injury. The fire was restricted to two units. All Red Bank Units responded: 66, 67, 68, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, Rescue 2, Fire Police, and the Rehab Unit. The Department would like to thank the responding mutual aid companies: Little Silver FD, Northside (Tinton Falls), and River Plaza RIT Team of Middletown FD.
Two families have been displaced and the Department is giving all proceeds and donations made through our annual Santa Run to the families. You can donate at: https://www.rbfdnavesinkhookandladder.com/
(Note: While it say "Present Drop" all proceeds are going to the families at this time - thank you for your support)